How To Say Roof Leak In Spanish

Pipe radiator tank gotear.
How to say roof leak in spanish. Spanish words for leak include fuga escape pérdida filtración filtrarse gotear escaparse filtrar tener fugas and fugarse. I have a question about how one might say the word leak in spanish. I am trying to say. Includes translation from english and pronunciation.
Salvage and rescue workers who were rushed to the scene said one of the sunken acid containers was slowly leaking into the river. Rain entering through hole in a roof gotera nf nombre femenino. Be leaky roof tener goteras. Are there any leaks in the tank in this case the tank is full of fertilizer i m not sure if the contents that are leaking would make a difference in the word choice.
The roof is leaking hay una gotera hay goteras en el techo. To go for or have or take a leak very informal echar una meada v. Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino que lleva los artículos la o una en singular y las o unas en plural. Inf mear v.
Pipe radiator tank gotear tener una fuga. La mesa una tabla. Anyway i need a leak i must have a leak intransitive verb 1 be leaky roof tener goteras. Refers to person place thing quality etc.
Spanish words for roof include techo tejado cielo techar baca marquesina imperial poner techo a and bóveda celeste. See also security compounds. A damp patch appeared on the ceiling where the roof leak was letting in rain. The upended containers leaked but they held together.
Roof leak n noun. How to say the roof is leaking in spanish.