How To Overlap J Channel Siding

Mitering j channel watertight a video about cutting vinyl j channel for mitered corners making them watertight.
How to overlap j channel siding. Now any water that runs inside the j channels will come out on top of the siding and out the weep holes designed for this purpose. Cut and bend the drain tab. Overlap the flashing onto the row of siding just below the window. Install the trim by nail the longer side of the j to the framing lumber with the washer head metal siding nails.
Measure each piece of trim so that it will be two channel widths longer than the opening itself. This is referred to as a j channel. For the best results try to create seams as far away from the focal point. Step 1 attach the j trim along the line that will form the upper edge of the metal siding.
Watch this video learn how to install accessories on multi story structures or very long expanses to allow for expansion and provide water drainage. For doors and windows cut and install the top j channel piece flush with the outer face of the side j channels. For the doors cut your side j channel pieces similar to the way you did for the windows. Cut a tab in the bottom of the side j channels and fold under.
Cut a piece of flashing out of felt paper and install it at the bottom corners of the windows before you install the side j channels.