How To Metal Flake A Roof

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How to metal flake a roof. How to metal flake your car. First off spray a base color that has coarse metallic in the paint. Add in 4 tbsp 36 g of 0 008 in 0 020 cm metal flake powder into the mixture. Ive been told by some to use different size flake and mix them all in the clear and some say just large flake.
And if anyone has ever done a truck roof before about how much flake clear should i use and how many coats. This car was a show stopper and won best of show. Im going for the bass boat flake look on the roof. Im wanting to metal flake my roof soon and i just want some info on like the best products and best size flake to use.
I ve got the lotus code from the wiki but the paint shop i m using can t match it from that. In the process of preping the longroof for paint going to paint the roof white and the body steel blue. Keep stirring as you scoop letting the metal flake disperse evenly throughout the clear paint. Once you ve mixed the first 2 scoops of flake into the clear paint add in 4 more scoops of a thinner 0 008 in 0 020 cm metal flake into the paint cup.
For the top im either going to put a pearl on it or a simple metal flake over the white my question is what does it take to remove metal flake paint after its painted. I know this was the roof of a 62 or so ford thunderbird. However i m willing to let you in on a few tried and true custom painting tricks. This is the roof of the 1959 lincoln pretty sure on the year shown above.
Studie and i have been through a lot together in the five years i ve owned and drove her. Just because i love grease doesn t mean that i don t love sparkly things too. Shooting metal flake and getting the flake to sparkle and dance does take practice. I think the only way i will decide which paint i want on the roof is by spraying some on which im leaning towards the.
Lace multi colors of metal flake including rainbow flake and silver metal flake.