How To Get Rid Of Chipmunks In Gutters

To make the spray simply crush some garlic and hot peppers then add then to a cup of hot soapy water in a spray bottle.
How to get rid of chipmunks in gutters. If you want to know how to get rid of chipmunks these simple tips stop them from burrowing in your yard. The less comfortable chipmunks are approaching the downspout the better. Traps can be baited. Just fit a piece of hardware cloth around each downspout opening.
Garlic or hot peppers are crops that a chipmunk will turn its nose up at so try using a garlic spray as a natural pest repellent. Available commercially these repellents contain bitrex thiram or ammonia soaps. Homeowners can use snap traps box traps and mesh traps placed at burrow openings. To keep chipmunks away from bulbs and seeds coat them in a foul tasting concoction before planting them.
While repellents that smell like predators generally don t work on chipmunks taste repellents often do. Rid chipmunks control pest. Find out which bait works best for a live trap like peanut butter. Trapping is probably the most effective method of removing chipmunks from your property.