How To Do Lead Flashing On Flat Roof

How to install flat roof flashing.
How to do lead flashing on flat roof. Step 3 trimming and sizing flashing. Details concrete masonry roofing wrb flashing. Step 2 where to install. Bend the flap down and nail along the top edge.
Step flashing on roof peak. Two ways to flash roof edges. Step 4 install the flat roof flashing. To seal your roof flashing you first have to get on the roof.
To install the roof wall flashing above the builder bent the top edge of the flashing into a 90 degree lip about 2 cm in width. That lip is then set into a reglet or groove in this case cut into the mortar joint of the brick wall above. Step 1 when to install. Lead flashing needs to be a minimum of 75mm up the wall for a standard 30 degree lean to roof against a brick wall the lead on the roof should be minimum 150mm.
The most common method of fixing lead flashings is to make a lead bung also known as a lead chock. The purpose of flat roof flashing as mentioned above is as a defense against water from entering the building. There are two good ways to handle corner flashing. Resealing your roof flashing is easy and you don t need many tools or materials.
Before attempting to get to the roof you must make sure that the ladder is. If you do not wish to form your own corner flashing you can buy pre bent pieces and cut them to size or use a piece of corrugated aluminum which is easier to bend. The first bending two pieces and caulking the joint photos 1 3 is the most common because you can do it on the spot with the flashing at hand. Bend the corner flashing tightly around the corner.
How to fix lead flashings. This is made by rolling up a 25mm or less strip of lead into an oval shape just wider than the mortar chase you are fixing and then driving it below the surface of the bricks to form a wedge. In order to do so safely you will need an extension ladder and rubber soled non slip shoes. One common method is to lay the edge metal under the eaves membrane and over the rake.
Protect the eave from ice dams and sideways rain step one in steep slope roofing is the edge flashing. Beyond the dormer and cut the top section along the dormer edge. Roof shingle over step flashing.